(tukhm Arshad) Herbs
- Halim seeds helps treat anaemia
- It enhances breast milk production
- They help to regulate menstruation
- Halim seeds help with weight loss
- They boost immunity
- Halim seeds relieve constipation
Arabic Name : Hurf, Tufaa, Thuffaa, Habb al-rashaad
English Name : Common Cress, Watercress, Garden Cress
Hindi Name : Chansur, Halim, Haloon, Chandrasur
Latin name : Lepidium sativum Linn.
Persian Name : Tukhme Aspandan, Tukhme Teratezak
Punjabi Name : Holon, Taratej
Sanskrit Name : Chandrashur, Chandrika
Urdu Name : Halim, Halyun، Alam
Garden Cress (Halyon benefits), botanically known as Lepidium sativum is an aromatic and peppery flavored herb enriched in medicinal properties and nutritional value, Garden Cress uses are various purposes.
The annual plant belongs to the Cruciferae family and grows fastly usually in India, United Kingdom, Netherlands, and France. Patients suffering from diseases like asthma, lung infections, constipation, and respiratory disorders as the Halyon benefits are rich in minerals, fibers, potassium, and Vitamin C.
Garden Cress uses are in the preparation of numerous traditional medicines as they rich source of Alpha-linolenic acid, antioxidants, phytosterols, omega 3, and tocopherols which all promote good human health. The proper consumption of this herb prevents cardiovascular diseases while improves the immune system.
Irregular menstruation can be avoided remarkably with this as it contains phytochemicals and estrogen. Halyon is prescribed to patients who are suffering from iron deficiency or anemia by boosting up the hemoglobin level in the body.
The high content of iron and proteins improves libido and prevents excessive hair loss. The anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-diabetic, anti-spasmodic, nephrocurative, diuretic, and galactagogue properties eliminate the risk of numerous ailments while improving the appetite, liver function, fractures, infections, and muscular pains. The garden cress or Halyon herb also contains a high quantity of nutritive, linoleic fatty acids, beta carotene and arachidic, tocopherol.
The seeds are alterative, aperient, aphrodisiac, bitter, carminative, demulcent, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactagogue, stimulant and tonic. The seeds contain vitamins C and B.
Seeds are useful in hiccups, indigestion, dysentery, diarrhoea, restorative in general debility and skin diseases caused due to impurity of blood. Also useful in seminal debility, erectile dysfunction, leucorrhoea and in cases of lumbago or any pains about the loins through rheumatism. It increases immunity in the body.Recommended Dosage: 3 to 6 g powder of dried seeds.
Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.
Halyon Tukhm Arshad Herbs | حب الرشاد | ہالیون
- باقاعدہ قیمت Rs.1,680
ٹائپ کریں: Organic Herbs