Arabic Name : Qamha, Qasab Farsee
English Name : Chiretta, Indian Balmony, Bitter Stick
Hindi Name : Kiryat Charayata
Latin name : Swertia chirata Buch.
Persian Name : Chiraita Talkh
Sanskrit Name : Bhunimba, Kirata, Kiratak
Urdu Name : Chiraita Talkh
It is particularly useful as a mild febrifuge or tonic. It is prescribed in a variety of forms and combinations in chronic fevers and anaemia. It is also credited with alterative, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antidiarrhoeal, antiemetic, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antiperiodic, antispasmodic, appetiser, astringent, bitter, blood purifier, carminative, demulscent, diuretic, emmenagogue, hepatic, hepatoprotective, immunostimulant, laxative and stomachic properties. Unlike most other bitters, it does not constipate the bowels.
It also exhibits hypoglycemic activity. Research has shown Chiretta to protect the liver and promote secretion of bile. It also contains xanthones, which are reputedly effective against malaria and tuberculosis, and also amarogentin, a glycoside that may protect the liver against carbon tetrachloride poisoning. Also useful in vitiligo, skin diseases, scabies and fever. It also protects against bronchitis and asthma. It restores tone after illness. Also indicated for gastrointestinal disturbances after prolonged illness and for improving immunity in the body to fight diseases.
It is now considered as the potential subject to cure Diabetes. In the Annual Professional Conference of Diabetes UK, held in Glasglow in March 2009, researchers announced this finding. They are of the opinion that the bark of this plant will be helpful in the cure. Its extracts are found to stimulate insulin production and improve its action on glucose control.
Bitterstick (Chiretta benefits) is a remarkable medicinal herb that belongs to the Gentianaceae family while found widely in India while the common names are chirayata, kirata tikta, chiravata, and haima. This herb possesses a bitter taste, Bitterstick uses remarkably in the preparation of ayurvedic medicines and other herbal remedies to treat various ailments and diseases.
Being the blood purifier, Bitterstick uses removes all kinds of toxicity from the body while also used as a laxative to treat constipation. Numerous health issues can be resolved with this herb because of the anti-diabetic, anti-viral, and anti-biotic approach, while various alkaloids, enicoflavine, mangiferin, ophelic acid, chiratenol, and pichierenol are other essential components in Chiretta benefits.
All kinds of digestive and stomach issues can be treated with the consumption of chiretta and increase the appetite. Bitterstick is a useful therapeutic plant that is enriched with anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anthelmintic, and tonic properties through which inflammations, fever, and malaria are treated, and many skin diseases can also be cured.
Bitterstick is also considered an excellent liver detoxifier through which the liver functionality can be regulated and promotes weight loss. The blood sugar level can also be maintained by using chiretta and treat arthritis. The disturbed nutrition patterns become normal with the proper consumption of chiretta and elaborate hypoglycemic activity.
Recommended Dosage: 3 to 5 g powder of whole plant.
Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.
- Increase Appetite
- Remove toxins from the blood
- Improve digestion
- Treat stomach cramps
- Prevent diarrhea
- Resolve liver disorders
- Manage blood sugar level
- Prevent skin diseases
- Work against convulsions
- Remove intestinal worms
Charaita Tulkh (Nepali) Herbs | چرائتہ
- باقاعدہ قیمت Rs.6,800
ٹائپ کریں: Organic Herbs