Ratan jot Herbs | رتن جوت
Arabic Name : Shanjar, Khas al-himaar
English Name : Alkanet, Dyers Bugloss, Spanish Bugloss
Hindi Name : Ratanjot, Laljari
Latin name : Onosma echioides Linn.
Persian Name : Shankaru
Punjabi Name : Laljari, Koame, Maharanga, Ratanjot
Sanskrit Name : Maharanga, Dhamani
Urdu Name : Ratanjot
Ratan jot:
The root is considered to be anthelmintic, antipyretic, antiseptic and constipative and is usually used externally for colour and hair loss. Also useful as an application in wounds and bruises.
Ratan jot benefits Jot or (Alkanet Root uses), is a perennial or biennial plant that belongs to the Borage family grows with 0.3 to 0.6 in height, usually found in the Mediterranean and tropical regions. This herb grows in pine forests, deserts and grazing pastures, however abundantly found in rich, moist, and fertile soil with the blackish appearance, white core, and dark red root.
Alkanet Root uses are dye red color from the ancient time; however, Ratan jot benefits has enormous medical uses to treat many ailments. Ethane 1, 1H-benzotriazole, 2-chloroethyl, 4-diazo, and 4-Nitro are some of the essential compounds found in Alkanet Root; however, the presence of naphthoquinones made it excellent for various medical and culinary purposes.
The anti-bacterial, astringent, vulnerary and anti-pruritic properties make this herb highly beneficial for the treatment of ulcers, bedsores, varicose veins, and itching rashes. All the skin issues, inside and out, including eczema, skin cuts, and fungal infection issues can be cured easily with the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of Ratan Jot.
it is also called a blood purifier while it maintains the blood circulation in the body. The digestive disorders can be cured, and the anti-oxidant, diuretic, expectorant and demulcent substance make it apt for COLD, fever, coughs, piles and arthritis. For headache and joint pain, it is considered highly effective.
Moreover, the alkanet tea works excellently as an astringent and elevates the symptoms of jaundice, ulcers, kidney stones, and fractures. The essential oils in this herb are helpful to maintain sleeping disorders.
Ratan Jot is highly effective for the treatment of varicose veins and itching rashes. It is also good to cure ulcers and bedsores. Patients with skin issues including cuts, psoriasis, eczema, as well as fungal infection can use it as a cure. It also works as a blood purifier while maintaining blood circulation throughout the whole body. In Unani Tibb, Ratan Jot has also been used for the treatment of digestive problems as well as COLD, fever, coughs, piles, and arthritis. The symptoms of headache and joint pain can be alleviated with the use of Ratan Jot.
Recommended Dosage: 3 to 5 g powder of dried root.
Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications when used externally.
Ratan jot Herbs | رتن جوت
- Regular price Rs.3,200
Type: Organic Herbs